Monday, February 22, 2010

Things I miss

Today got me thinking while I've been wanting a few things while expecting this baby but can't have since they are in MI!!

Things I miss and want:
my parents, my friends, cousins from my husband family, aunts and uncles too, my family (some of them), my house in lake orion, Faygo pop - Rock N Rye, Orange, and Root beer, Jets pizza and bread, Vince and Joe's Market, The Pantry, house salad at Kruse and Muir's, shopping at Great Lakes Crossing, Tim Horton's, skiing up north, driving to st. clair to visit my friend and hanging with our kids, hanging out in Oxford with another friend, the zoo, walking downtown Rochester and going to the park to feed the ducks, riding our bikes to the Lake Orion parks, dinner at Casa Real, hanging out at Sagebrush, Sweet Savory Bakery (the cupcakes!), going downtown Detroit, Hani from Coney Island, Big Boy Sandwich from Big Boy, Cabbage soup from Big Boy, Partridge Creek Mall, Spray Park in Clarkston, late nights out with Kelly, my brother, Mom 2 Mom Sales, working out at the gym and my trainer, the girl who cuts my hair, bbqing with my parents friends from their childhood, fishing out by st. clair river, listening to my husband pull his ice fishing gear out to ice fish in our backyard, golfing with my parents (even tho they thought I hated it), drinking drinks my cousin made while she worked, watching the snow fall from my kitchen window, being able to drive to any LARGE store in a matter of 10 mins to shop, the farm, the meat market, my godson, Tiger Baseball games with friends esp. those who pee their pants from time to time lol, Basketball games with my parents, thanksgiving football game at Ford Field, crazy Kruszewski's family parties just so we can get together just because, Peach Fest with my oldest and dearest friends, hanging out in the Jenning's pool, my grandma's pool, grandma's condo, Carrie Lee Take out, Lemon Rice Soup, and much much much more!!!


Anonymous said...

Awww, Michigan misses you guys too. What kind of friend do you have that pees their pants at Tiger's

Lauren said...

Anonymous who are you lol