Tuesday, April 22, 2008


You never realize how much they mean to you until you go though the ups and downs. It's been a crazy week for my family.

I never thought I would miss my mom as much as I do. Maybe it's because I know she's got a lot on her plate. Not only is she taking care of my grandfather she is taking care of my grandma. Not only that, she can't be in Vegas to take care of Dante. (he's been in a car accident, but he's doing much better)

I never thought I would miss my dad as much as I do. Maybe it's because I know he's taking care of my brother and knows he needs to be there for his wife in FL. And his mother too...

I never thought I would miss my brother as much as I do. The kid is a pain in the ass but he is all I have besides my husband and kids. I am so grateful he's alive. I miss him dearly...I wish I could help him and be there for him. Get well D!

Today, is Dave's birthday. And Today I came home and I said screw the house. Life is so short, play with the kids, bake cupcakes with the kids and I even let my kids stay up past their bed time! I let them pick out their dinner tonight - strawberries, nanas, apples, hot dog, salad, and animal crackers, thankyouverymuch!

Family....I can't get enough of them!


Beth said...

That's so awesome! I'm sure they had a blast.
I can't believe Dave's 33 now. How did we get to be our parents age?

Unknown said...

We're all praying for your family. I hope your brother recovers quickly.

Your dinner sounds a lot like ours last night. LOL