Thursday, July 3, 2008

4th of July

I don't know why but this has always been my favorite Holiday to celebrate!! I love the cook outs, I love getting together with friends and family, I love love love the fireworks and watch my children face when they light up, and I love the extra day I get to spend with my husband and kids :) We have a busy weekend ahead of ourselves and I can't wait!

Tonight, I'll go home to the kids and cook dinner. Then my plan is to just play play play with them. After they go to bed, I plan on cleaning my bathroom and washing the floors. If I have enough energy after that then I'll do some more cleaning to get it out of the way for the weekend.

Tomorrow, I am getting up early to run. Dave will cut the grass. Then we'll head out to a new water park by our house! I can't wait! We'll come home, nap and head out to the fireworks at Addison Oaks. It will be strange to be there just with Dave and the kids. We've always have gone with our friend Beth but since she no longer lives in MI that won't happen this :) I've been going as long as I can remember. They are the best fireworks I've seen.

Saturday, up and early running again. Do some shopping and running around. We have friends coming over to BBQ and watch our neighbor firework show and doing our own fireworks. Should be a fun time!

Sunday, up early to run. Girls and I will go to Church while Dave golfs with the guys. After he gets home we have a Grad Party.

I am excited for this weekend. Should be some fun times!!

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